Belly Breathing to Create Calm

By: Dr. Gary Huber

Posted 11/17/2021

Seems like an odd question but do you know how to breath?  Properly? Of course we know how to breath but let me share a few insights that are common to us all. 90% of all people don't breathe properly most of the day. What does that mean?  Our most efficient breath is accomplished through “belly breathing”.  BUT . . . since most of us are stressed and hurrying through the day we tend to breath vertically (up and down), puffing our chest out while locking in our diaphragm.

Look at a sleeping dog, a baby or any sleeping human for that matter and you notice the belly pushes OUT when we inhale. This is the diaphragm dropping down creating a pulling sensation on the lungs to take air into the large bases (bottom) where greatest air exchange occurs. But we have been taught to walk around with our bellies sucked in and our chest out like a tin soldier. We feel stressed and so instead of taking in large breathes that fill our lung bases we take little tiny sips of air that barely fill our upper lungs. The bases never get to fully exhale or inhale so there is stale air full of carbon dioxide.  This carbon dioxide makes us acidic which is unhealthy. Being acidic means we struggle to properly detoxify and we invite cancer growth as cancer loves an acidic environment. 

Ever experienced the sensation that you can’t get a deep breathe, especially when you feel tense or stressed?  It is because you are vertical breathing and not belly breathing. So, let’s learn how to breath.

You already know how to do this but your body has forgotten and needs to be retrained.  It’s easy. Lie down on your back and place a book on your belly button. Now open your mouth so you can hear yourself breath and focus on taking a deep breath in while you push your belly button and that book toward the ceiling. Now allow yourself to exhale and as you reach the end of your natural exhale realize that there is actually MORE air still left in your lungs and push it out as you pull your diaphragm back up into the ribs – The belly button drops down towards your spine. Take another deep breath and again focus on PUSHING your belly button out, up toward the ceiling. Yes, it feels weird at first but as you develop this natural rhythm you will discover that it feels great, you feel full of oxygen and it in fact leads to relaxation.

Belly breathing moves the diaphragm up and down which in turn is massaging the Vagus nerve, a critical element in your nervous system. As you stimulate this Vagus nerve through belly breathing you are generating a calming influence, a signal of relaxation that goes to your brain and will in fact reduce heart rate, blood pressure and anxiety. Studies show that 6 belly breathes in a row has a direct impact on your physiology. The goal is to take slow, even breathes through your nose. Breathing slow enough that no one around you would recognize the effort. Ninjas call this feather breathing. If I were to place a feather beneath your nose, the pace of your breath wouldn't cause the feather to move.

Make a habit of taking 10 to 15 such belly breaths (2-3 minutes) when you first awaken each morning, before you ever get out of bed. As you drive to work focus on “where is my breath?” Practice belly breathing while you drive or while you sit at your desk. Every time you feel stressed, ask yourself “where is my breath”, take a few deep belly breathes and again commit to this type of breathing.

In a matter of days if you do this you will find it easy and natural. Your nervous system will be more calm, your pH more alkaline, your blood better oxygenated, and your kidneys will more easily detoxify. For more insights and discussion about this important topic see our video, “Belly Breathing – How & Why”

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