Stress can be a relative term. The measures included here are true based of physiologic response to approximate how your body is responding to your lifestyle.
Select a score from the grey boxes, register your score in the right-hand column and total it.
Rate your score (Maximum score is 74 which is very dangerous)
• Excellent = <10
• Good = 10-22
• Fair = 23-35
• Poor = 36-50 Danger if = >50
Many of these questions or insights might be new to you. Great! That means you just gained new tools to more accurately assess your overall stress or “demand” being placed on your body. Stress is the leading cause of all disease states and one of the single best ways to improve the quality of your life is to learn how to reduce stress to as low as possible. There are many articles and videos on this site that help you take control. Start with the “Art of Stillness” article and grow from there.
More Detail
A more in depth assessment can be gained by measuring actual body measures such as “Heart Rate Variability” (not heart rate) and by measuring Coherence.
If you truly want to improve the quality of your life, then measuring and addressing stress is a rewarding pursuit. Most of your bad habits and poor lifestyle decisions made on any given day are driven by your perception of how stressed you feel. Complete the Mind Body Mission course on this website to gain a better understanding of how you can dismantle that stress and change the inner narrative of how you view your life. You deserve to be joyful and happy every day.