Discussion of the physiology of fasting, why it is key to good health and how to implement this habit for ideal health.
EMFs - Electro-Magnetic-Field Dangers
You cant see, smell or taste EMFs but they all around you, rapidly multiplying and causing you harm. Learn how to protect yourself.
Dr. Huber and Chelsea host question about the use and application of stem cells. What are stem cells and why should I care?
The Craving Brain - Tame the Beast
Everybody CRAVES something but how do we derail that craving beast and control our desires?
Live webinars allow you to engage with physicians in an open discussion of current hot topics.
Vascular Health - The Glycocalyx & Nitric Oxide
Vascular disease is the #1 killer in America. Learn how to care for and restore your blood vessels to reverse vascular plaque and avoid heart attack and stoke risk.
Find out why fake sugar will make you gain weight and crave more calories
Hyperbaric Oxygen - What is it and why?
Brief review of what hyperbaric oxygen is and what conditions is it used to treat. It has broad application from sports injury, to stroke, heart attack and head injury.
Jumping into a cold ice bath or a cold shower has tremendous health benefits. It stimulates a heathy immune response, lowers blood sugar and even fuels weight loss. Learn both the HOW and the WHY of cold exposure.
Testosterone Use in Women's Health
OB/GYN Dr. Karen Kaufman & Dr Gary Huber discuss use of testosterone therapy in women's health. Breast, bone and brain health as well as skin and weight loss benefits can be seen with appropriate use of testosterone.