Peptide Therapy – the future of healing
Peptide therapy stimulates healing and slow the rate of aging
A step-by-step essential plan to learn how to engage a meaningful meditation
Ketogenic "FAT" Coffee (How to video)
How to make delicious "FAT" coffee for a ketogenic diet, using MCT oil & collagen.
Ozone Therapy - Amazing Benefits
Medical Ozone therapy offers a wide range of benefits and applications. Is it right for you?
Thymic Peptides – Restoring Immune Strength
The thymus gland is critical to longevity. This gland trains your white blood cells and produces hormones to regulate your immune system.
Heart Rate Recovery Test - Aging
Take an exercise test to gauge how fast you are aging. Are you actually YOUNGER than your chronologic age? Or older?
Why I am choosing to slowly kill myself? Confession from a professional excuse maker.
We can be our worst enemy. But also hold the power to change direction and DECIDE on a new path. Are you open to new ideas?
There a lot of talk about fasting these days but if you need clarity then start here. Lets discuss the why and how’s of fasting so you can decide if its right for you.
Myths & Reality of Ketogenic Diet
General introduction video explaining the simplicity of a Keto diet and WHY you might consider it. Health and longevity benefits.
Heart Rate VARIABILITY - Part 1
What is heart rate VARIABILITY and why should I bother? It’s the single best tool to show your overall health status.
Might be one of the best habits you adopt this year. Learn to be at ease. In peace. Quiet. Aaaahhhhhh.
Dr. Huber and Chelsea host question about the use and application of stem cells. What are stem cells and why should I care?
Tracking Habits to Radically Change Your Results – Part 1
Anything in your life that you deem important, you have tracked. You can NOT manage or improve something until you measure it. What gets measured gets done.
Owning Your Own Life – Letting go of Excuses
It's never too late to make better decisions and change the course of your health.
Assess your rate of aging in 6 different categories. Your lifestyle habits and lab values give you an accurate assessment of how fast you are aging and what you can do to slow it down.
Using meditation as a tool for healing has been engaged for centuries by dozens of cultures around the globe. Why? It works.
10 Simple steps to permanent weight loss. Welcome to L.E.A.D.-ville
Simple steps taken consistently make a long journey easy and enjoyable. Stop struggling and start relaxing into weight loss.
This critical macronutrient could be the key to your weight loss and longevity. Learn how to best use it to optimize health.
Belly Breathing to Create Calm
Stress drives erratic breathing patterns. Want Calm? Learn this simple basic fundamental to life.
Time Restricted Feeding "Advanced" Part 2
Layering additional strategies to rocket boost results.
Hyperbaric Oxygen - What is it and why?
Brief review of what hyperbaric oxygen is and what conditions is it used to treat. It has broad application from sports injury, to stroke, heart attack and head injury.
The New Era of Cancer Screening
Early detection - A reliable way to screen for 50 different cancers.
Engaging activities that are slightly uncomfortable usually result in greater health. Exercise, fasting and yes even being COLD. Could this winter offer you a free ticket to better health?
Exercising in a fasted state (no food) has amazing impact on your longevity and overall health. Fasted exercise will triple your fat burn. Don’t do this unless you really enjoy excellent health.
We get in life exactly what we create. How can I avoid problems and create greater joy and flow? By opening my mind to a new idea.
High Intensity Intervals “Tabata” & “Peak 8” - tools for enhancing VO2 Max
The challenge of sprinting brings huge reward. Live longer. Live better. Push yourself to elevate VO2 Max.
Time Restricted Feeding Part 1
It’s not always WHAT you eat but WHEN you eat that makes a big difference.
A meaningful step wise approach to remove old bad habits and install new ideals the truly redirect the path you are on.
Coherence: Heart Rate Variability & Coherent Breathing
Getting your body to cooperate and work together.
Understanding NAD and its Benefits as an Anti-Aging and Restorative Tool
NAD is a critical piece of our cells ability to restore and heal. It is essential for longevity and optimal health and now we can directly impact it.
Jumping into a cold ice bath or a cold shower has tremendous health benefits. It stimulates a heathy immune response, lowers blood sugar and even fuels weight loss. Learn both the HOW and the WHY of cold exposure.
Harmonious function engaging brain + heart + immune system + breath + hormones leads to FLOW. Exploring the science and measuring your coherence.
Heart Rate Variability Introduction & Explanation
The accent here is on VARIABILITY not simply heart rate. This is a key variable that can literally tell you the status of your health and heart. A way of predicting problems long before they arise.
Myers Cocktail - IV Therapy Home Run
A Myer's Cocktail is a classic mix of minerals and vitamins given by IV to serve a broad array of medical issues. Explore its potential to enhance your health.
VO2 Max is a vital sign- How to measure it
Low VO2 max strongly correlates with higher risk of a long list of serious conditions, including heart disease, cancer, dementia, Alzheimer’s, depression, and Type 2 diabetes